

时间:2019-01-21   作者:   来源:




The Tremendous Action of Microorganism Enzyme

 Gao  Liang; An Zhao-mei

(Weifang Kitesway Biological Technology Co., LTD.)

“The soil is alive. 

It can digest anything in the soil.

Nnless the origin is nourished, 

never will the end flourish. 

First of all, 

you should know that soil-building and root-building 

are the founction for the cultivation of crops".


 When the remains of plants and animals are burried in the soil, in a short period of time, they are decomposed and assimilated into soil. Just as animals digest food, the earth digests all organic matters, and this action is even extends over inorganic compounds. Owing to this function, plants can extend roots in the soil and grow bigger and higher.

What do we mean by fertility of soil? It indicates the following two things: the first is whether or not the digestion and decomposion taking place in the soil are thorough enough for nutrients necessary for plants to be absorbed by the roots without any problems; the second is whether or not the physical and chemical conditions are good enough for roots to extenddeeply in the ground and function fully. To build the soil mens to create these condotions. The actions of digestion and decomposition that soil has is in fact the function of enzymes inhabiting the soil. For example, protein-decomposition enzymes (protease) ,urea-decomposition enzymes (urease), ammonia-decomposition enzymes, and others, are enzymes that act to the digestive decoposition of nitrogen compounds. In addition to these, there are ezymes that act on solubilization of phosphoric acid and magnesia, and also those involved in the decomposition of mineral nutrients such as carbon, iron, manganese, and others. Digestive decomposition of organic matter in the soil also takes place as a result of the action of hydrolytic enzymes and oxidation-reduction enzymes. Depending on the strength of these enzymes, the growth of plants is affected to a great degree.


It is soil organisms or soil microbes that produce thses enzymes. It is said that “the soil is alive", and this expression comes from the fact that we cannot talk about the function of the soil in the fostering of plants while igboring the activities of these soil microbes. The earth is indeed a life form, and its leading actors are soil microbes.


These are ten-thousand different kinds of organisms inhabiting the soil and in one gram of soil, these are one-hundred million microorganisms. Even in soil where the number is saller , these are at least ten million. Organisms, from larger insects and worms to microscopic microorganisms, living together, controlling each other, help to create a stable ecosystem by mutually diverting abnormal proliferate of specific organisms. The quality of this microflora reflects soil fertility and is a factor that indicates whether diseases are apt to take place in the soil.


The aim of the Kitesway Natural Agricultural Method is to improve, as much as possible, the physical-chemical condition of the soil; promote the proliferation of effective soil organisms, in particular, microorganisms; increase the supply of nutrients in the soil necessary for the enhancing of density of microorganisms; improve the soil microflora; and build dood soil to foster healthier crops.


 高亮 安兆美 
